Greystones Community College

Parent Leadership Team Update

An update from PLT member Ms. Jeanne McGann (March 2021)

An overview of the work of the Parent Leadership Team - March 2021

Over the past couple of weeks the PLT have continued to focus on working with the local Ministers, TD’s and Councillors in an effort to bring clarity to both the temporary and permanent accommodation plans for GCC. We are pleased to report that there has been quite a bit of positive momentum on both topics since our last update as follows:

1. Temporary accommodation plan for GCC.
- Planning Permission for a 16 classroom temporary structure on the grounds of Éire Óg GAA Club to house Greystones Community College has been granted.
- In addition to this, planning for 6 further classrooms including 4 specialist subject classrooms has also been granted at Greystones Rugby Club grounds to facilitate practical work in specialist subjects.- The temporary accommodation for the school is now planned to spread across both locations with the main classrooms to be sited on the Éire Óg grounds and 4 specialist classrooms to be sited on the Rugby Club grounds.

This is a great result for the school as having the main school location now housed on Éire Óg’s GAA ground mitigates any potential risk to the school accommodation if the Greystones Community National School building issue is not solved in advance of September 2021.

Next steps
- The PLT’s next primary focus will be to continue to apply pressure on the Department along with the local TD’s and Councillors to ensure that the temporary structures on both sites are in place for handover by the end of June 2021. This will allow the KWETB team sufficient time to set up the buildings and have the school ready to open its doors to students by the end of August 2021.
- In addition, the PLT will also work closely with local councillors to make plans for walkway / linkage to enable safe passage between the two sites for our students and teachers.

2. Permanent Site for GCC
- Negotiations for the purchase of the new Permanent Site at Charlesland for GCC continue between the Department and the land owners Cairn Builders.
- Under the deal Cairn Builders will design the new school building and apply for planning permission which they expect will be granted by the end of this year (2021).
- The 11.5 acre site close to Shoreline in Charlesland could see the first work begin on site as early as January 2022 with designs, planning permission and utilities in place by March 2022.
- The Department have stated that their target date for opening the permanent new school building is September 2023.
- The new school is expected to have as many as 50 classrooms, 1,000 square metre PE hall and gym as well as six outdoor hard play court areas.

The PLT are fully committed to continue working with Mr. Farrell and the team at GCC along with the local Ministers, TD’s and Councillors to continually monitor progress on the new school build and keep the pressure on the Department to ensure the September 2023 deadline for our new school building remains on track and is realised. Our regular monthly meetings with the local representative working group will continue to ensure this is the case.

Finally, as we come to the end (hopefully!) of school from home, on behalf of the PLT I would like to sincerely thank Mr. Farrell and all the teachers at GCC for their outstanding commitment, hard work and engagement with all our children over the last 9 weeks. It has been a difficult time for everyone, but made all the easier with such dedication and support for our children from the fantastic team at GCC.

Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter and we are very much looking forward to hopefully seeing everyone in person after the break.

Ms. Jeanne McGann

Member of the Parent Leadership Team

Greystones Community College

Jan 20
Healthy Lifestyles Week
Jan 23
Parent Teacher Student Meeting (4th Year) 4:15pm - 6:45pm
Jan 25
Entrance Assessment for Incoming 1st Years
Feb 03
School Closure - Public Holiday
Mill Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, A63 A3K2.
Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board
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