Greystones Community College

School Crest

GCC-Crest.pngWhat does the school crest represent?

1. The three stones - Given our schools location in Greystones, the three grey stones are central to our crest. They are the foundation stones on which Greystones Community College will be built and the key focus for the school community into the future; Respect… Excellence... Pride...

2. The sea - In addition to representing our coastal setting, the visual of the water and sea represents the endless opportunities that students in Greystones Community College will have. The small waves depict forthcoming occasions and challenges that students will meet head on as they strive to reach their potential and achieve their ambitions.

3. The open book – This represents learning, knowledge and striving for academic and educational excellence. Students at Greystones Community College will work hard and try their best as they open this new and exciting chapter in their lives.

4. The quill - The students have an opportunity to write their own success story chapter by chapter at Greystones Community College. They start 1st year with a blank page and will take ownership of their own learning throughout. The quill is in their hands.

5. The foundations - The foundations represent the stepping stones the student’s take on their individual journeys to success. It shows that students join Greystones Community College from many different backgrounds but bring strong individual roots and foundations, built in the family home and supported in our local primary schools. This diversity is valued and brought together to give us a strong and cohesive community.This is my story.JPG

Greystones Community College… leaving no stone unturned!

Feb 10
Assessment Week - End of Block 2
Feb 10
Mock Junior Cycle Examinations
Feb 17
Mid-Term Break
Feb 24
School Re-Opens
Mill Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, A63 A3K2.
Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board
© 2025 Greystones Community College