Greystones Community College has undergone inspections from the Department of Education. A copy of the findings and recommendations from the Inspectorate are published and can be found below.
- October 2023 - Subject Inspection - Geography
- December 2022 - Subject Inspection - Social, Personal and Health Education
- March 2022 - Incidental Inspection - No report published
- November 2020 - Supporting the Safe Provision of Schooling Inspection
Findings from the Department of Education Inspectors in relation to Greystones Community College include:
"The quality of teaching, learning and assessment in the lessons observed was very good, with many excellent practices observed".
"The board of management, principal, deputy principal and teachers foster students’ holistic development by providing a very broad range of curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular learning opportunities".
"Students were actively engaged in purposeful learning activities throughout all lessons observed. Creative activities were devised by teachers to support and consolidate learning and these helped to maintain engagement".
"The principal, the deputy principal and other leaders in the school have developed a strong culture of mutual trust, respect, responsibility and shared accountability. They have successfully fostered a very positive school culture that supports learning and teaching and encourages respectful interactions at all levels within the school community".
"Teachers individual planning for the lessons observed was highly effective. The hour long lessons were carefully planned to ensure learning opportunities were maximised".