Greystones Community College

Parent Leadership Team Update

An update from PLT member Ms. Elaine Killilea (May 2021)

An overview of the work of the Parent Leadership Team - May 2021

As we reflect on the final term of a rollercoaster year we look forward with renewed hope of normality resuming. The students can take off their masks and enjoy their first long secondary school summer after an unprecedented year. The Parent Leadership Team (Noel, Scott, Amanda, Orla, David, Jeanne, Jo, Anne, Helen, Jill and myself (Elaine)) want to express enormous thanks to Mr. Farrell and all the staff for overcoming the difficulties of uncertain and largely unsuitable accommodation and we can all just imagine what they will be able to achieve with a school building fit for purpose.

Much of the work of the PLT this year has been towards solving the various accommodation issues and we have achieved this with the help of the local TDs and councilors who took the time to meet us monthly and advocate on our behalf to the Department of Education. Ground was broken on our new temporary accommodation situated on Éire Óg land on May 19th and the contractors assure us that this modular building, which will be our home until the permanent school is built, will be ready and waiting in mid-August for the new GCC intake and our freshly hatched second years. The planning permission submission for the permanent school building is expected to happen in Q1 2022 and the school will then be constructed under the rapid build program for projected delivery in 2023.

The PLT has also been active in the areas of policy drafting and ratification in cooperation with the school management with the Homework and Uniform policies discussed and ratified to date. We are also working closely with the school to define the Mission, Vision and Values that the school will operate under as we move forward. We discussed and agreed to the One to One digital strategy and the decision to use Chromebooks within teaching and learning. Although fundraising has been limited this year we foresee lots more work on this front next year and hope to take on a PLT run and funded project (details to be decided) for the school.

The success of the school is seen as a cooperative venture between the parent body, the students and the school staff and we look forward to working closely with Mr. Farrell and his team to steer the school to continued success.

On behalf of the PLT I’d like to wish the entire parent body a healthy and happy summer and look forward to less ‘Interesting Times’ next school year.

Ms. Elaine Killilea

Secretary of The Parent Leadership Team

Greystones Community College

Jan 20
Healthy Lifestyles Week
Jan 23
Parent Teacher Student Meeting (4th Year) 4:15pm - 6:45pm
Jan 25
Entrance Assessment for Incoming 1st Years
Feb 03
School Closure - Public Holiday
Mill Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, A63 A3K2.
Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board
© 2025 Greystones Community College