For details on Admission and Enrolment in Greystones Community College for 2020/2021, please consult the school admission policy.
Greystones Community College Admission Policy for 2020 entry: Greystones-Community-College-Approved-Policy-1-9-20-approved.docx
Application form for enrolment to Greystones Community College for 2020 entry:Application for Enrolment Form 1st year 2020-2021 - Greystones Community College (002).pdf
Greystones Community College is a regional solution to the increased demand for school places in the greater Greystones/Kilcoole area. Please consult the Department of Education catchment map for the school. Map For Greystones CC.pdf
Details regarding enrolment and admission to Greystones Community College for the 2021/2022 school year will be published here in the coming months in line with the new Education (Admissions to School) Act 2018.