
The primary focus of SSE @ GCC for the 2020/2021 school year is assessment.
The four assessment strategies we are focusing on are:
- Peer-assessment
- Self-assessment
- Teacher-student written reflection on google classroom
- Developing and sharing success criteria

A peer-assessment strategy to be incorporated into a lesson, encouraging students to offer constructive feedback to one another through the structure of two stars and a wish.
- A teacher led discussion to discuss success criteria or a wish list on a certain topic.
- A student’s sample piece of work to be then critiqued in class using the wish list as a guiding instruction.
- Students assessing answers on the white board.
- Students reading their work and receiving oral peer feedback that they can record in their copy.
- Students presenting projects and discussing their process to the class, then being offered constructive feedback from students.
- The peer-assessment may then be complimented by the teacher’s feedback.

Students to take an active role in their own assessment with students taking ownership on areas of improvement and having a clear focus on areas of improvement for next time. Strategies may include:
- Students setting target grades and goals.
- Students using the success criteria to assess their own work before the teacher gives their feedback.
- Each student having a clear personal target area they are focusing on and offering the teacher/class daily/weekly updates on how this focus area is improving.
- Students to use the two stars and a wish approach to self-assessment. This encourages some students not to be too harsh on themselves and to recognise progress.
- A traffic light/ smiley face system for students to assess how much they understand from a certain topic. This may help teachers to know what specific areas need to be reviewed.
- Students to record both summative and formative assessments in school journal.
- Students to be practised in redrafting work, with a focus on editing, revision, redrafting and reflecting on the changes and progress made.

Recap of lesson to be written up on all google classrooms towards the end of the lesson. Students to take a central role in the wording of the review, encouraging active participation and engagement in the lesson covered.

Students to be given clear success criteria for both formative and summative assessments. Students to have a thorough understanding on how they will be assessed and what they need to do to achieve works of excellence. Model answers, teacher’s wish list, marking schemes and past exam papers may all play a role in this strategy.
Next actions to be taken:
- Each teacher to discuss what assessment looks like in their class with their students, encouraging a deeper understanding on methodology and purpose of assessment.
- Survey group to draft a list of questions for students, staff and parents. This will provide the quantitative data for the Data Collection group to assess and present which will help form our assessment strategies going forward.
- All teachers work towards the successful embedding of our four assessment strategies.

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