Greystones Community College are fortunate to have a highly motivated, dynamic and student centred staff who work tirelessly to support students in all of their endeavours. All staff can be contacted directly through the school office.
Mr. John Blake
Business Studies
Ms. Leanne Birro
English & Geography
Mr. Ciaran Bolger
Geography & Business
Mr. Marc Lee Bolton
Gaeilge & Geography
Ms. Louise Browne
Ms. Micaela Buckley
Home Ec & Biology
Ms. Dara Broe
Physical Education
Ms. Evelyn Burns
Business, Maths & CSPE
Ms. Christine Byrne
English & History
Mr. Cormac Byrne
Geography & Business
Mr. Enda Byrne
Physics & Maths
Ms. Rachel Byrne
Spanish, French & SPHE
Ms. Jessica Carroll
English & Learning Support
Mr. Justin Carroll
English & AEN
Ms. Sarah Conti
Guidance & Art
Mr. Aaron Creavin
History & Geography
Mr. Oisin Cullen
Biology & Ag Science
Ms. Zoe Devlin
Chemistry & Maths
Ms. Aisling Downes
Art & Irish
Mr. Ciarán Doyle
Technology & Graphics
Ms. Katie Doyle
Learning Support
Ms. Chloe Duffy
Biology & Maths
Ms. Ceire Duggan
French & History
Ms. Lucy Dunne
Geogrpahy & Business
Ms. Monica English
Autism Learning Support
Mr. Brendan Evans
Support Staff
Mr. Ruairí Farrell
Mr. Ethan Fleming
English & Drama
Mr. James Flood
History & Geography
Ms. Sinead Flood
Support Staff
Ms. Louise Flynn
Ms. Niamh Fulham
Gaeilge & Music
Mr. Thomas Gleeson
English & History
Ms. Victoria Hamilton
Gaeilge & CSPE
Ms. Caoimhe Hardiman
Maths & Biology
Ms. Debbie Harrison
Additional Needs Support
Mr. Mark Healy
Construction & Graphics
Mr. Niall Hughes
Business & Accounting
Mr. Mario Jimenez
PE & Spanish
Ms. Aoife Jones
Music & AEN
Ms. Morna Kautzmann
Spanish, French & SPHE
Mr. Michael Kenny
Physical Education
Ms. Stephanie Kinsella
Additional Needs Support
Mr. Marc Kynes
Geography & Politics
Ms. Amanda Le Quesne
Ms. Maria Lynch
Deputy Principal
Ms. Laura Maher
Learning Support
Ms. Claire McGarry
Gaeilge & Geography
Ms. Julie McGarry
Home Ec & Gaeilge
Ms. Joan McGrath
Learning Support
Ms. Shanice McGuinness
Home Economics
Ms. Emily Mitchell
English & Geography
Ms. Isabel Murphy
Business & AEN
Ms. Kathy Ann Murphy
English & Geography
Ms. Kate Nevin
Geography & Politics
Ms. Kate Ní Dhuill
Maths & Chemistry
Mr. Dayle Nolan
History & English
Mr. Eamon O'Brien
Maths, Physics & ICT
Ms. Sheena Odongo
Chemistry & Maths
Mr. Paul O'Neill
Construction & Technology
Mr. Sean O'Súilleabháin
Gaeilge & English
Ms. Ruth O' Sullivan
English & AEN
Ms. Isabel Puente
English & Spanish
Ms. Kerrie Redford
SPHE & Learning Support
Davina Reilly
Home Economics
Ms. Yvonne Reilly
Mr. Diarmuid Sheehan
Technology & Graphics
Mr. Conor Tierney
PE & Maths
Ms. Jenny Tighe
Support Staff
Mr. Shane Vesey
Maths and Physics
Mr. Zack Waters
Spanish, Gaeilge & PE
Ms. Rebecca Wray
Maths & Biology