Greystones Community College

Junior Cycle Coding

Junior Cycle Coding
Short Course Title: Coding

Course Content:

This short course aims to:

    • Develop the ability to formulate problems logically
    • Develop skills to design, write and test code through the development of programs, apps, games, animations or websites
    • Develop knowledge about computer science, through chosen learning activities
Who would this subject suit?

Coding would suit everyone! It would particularly suit those who:

  • Have a passion for solving problems – Big aspect of the job of a coder
  • Enjoy being creative
  • Like to be a perfectionist
  • Are good communicators
  • Are curious and patient learners
  • Have respect and attention for the craft.
  • Enjoy using various different IT
How is this subject assessed?

It is envisaged that students will provide evidence of their learning in a variety of ways, including digital media, audio recordings and written pieces

This Classroom-Based Assessment is the culmination of the work undertaken in the three strands of the coding short course. The Classroom-Based Assessment should begin after work in the three strands has been completed. Students will develop a final software project of their choice in teams of two or three. They will research and establish requirements; design, implement and test the software. They will document their work and their code and present the project to their peers for review. They will reflect on feedback and also provide feedback on other students’ projects

Careers linked to the subject?

There are a wide variety of career opportunities linked to Coding, such as:

  1. Software application developer
  2. Web developer
  3. Computer systems engineer
  4. Database administrator
  5. Computer systems analyst
  6. Software quality assurance (QA) engineer
  7. Business intelligence analyst
  8. Computer programmer


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Feb 24
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Mar 07
International Women's Day
Mar 10
ETB Ethos Week
Mill Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, A63 A3K2.
Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board
© 2025 Greystones Community College