Parent(s) & Guardian(s) often ask the question 'How do we support our child in secondary school'? There are many things parent(s) and guardian(s) can do such as keeping communication channels open, taking an interest in school life and maintaining high expectations for their children.
Click here for some information on supporting your child at secondary school
There are some guidelines and support documents available to download here which you may find useful:
Learning & Study:
1st Year study guidelines and advice
The transition from primary to secondary school
Learning & Memory Techniques
Graphic Organisers for Teaching & Learning
Other Areas:
Online Safety - A parents guide
Alcohol & Drugs - A parents guide
Below are some guides from Jigsaw (young peoples health in mind) that may be of interest to parent(s) and guardian(s):
Mental Health services for under 18s
Developing family routines
Supporting your teenager with doing homework
Screen time and young people
Anxiety and young people
Social Media, self esteem and young people